It’s Hot In Wyoming When [JOKES & VIDEO]
So far, the summer of 2018 has been easy. Just a couple of really hot days, that's it. But it's not over yet.
To help you make it through the hottest days yet to come, here are a few of the best, "it's so hot in Wyoming," jokes the we could think up.
It's so hot in Wyoming... I saw a squirrel picking up nuts with pot holders!
It's so hot in Wyoming... Jehovah's Witnesses started telemarketing!
It's so hot in Wyoming... I saw the Devil in Wal-Mart buying an air conditioner!
It's so hot in Wyoming... I saw two trees fighting over a dog!
It's so hot in Wyoming... I saw a cop chasing a thief, and they were both walking!
It's so hot in Wyoming... My thermometer reached "Are you kidding me?"
It's so hot in Wyoming... My bread became toast while sitting on the counter.