It was just last week that a moose made its way through Laramie, probably cutting through Medicine bow as he had the time of his life trying to register for classes at UW. I mean, I don't know for a fact that the giant bull moose went to the University, but I'm assuming that he left his parents to be the first moose in his family to graduate from a college or university. I'd say he stopped by the Library for a pint before they wrangled him back up the hill.

Another moose was on the loose recently, this time in Riverton. A Redditor from the subreddit group, Wyoming, posted a video of a moose walking through a neighborhood in Riverton. The Redditor said it was at their aunt's neighborhood. Let's check it out.

As far as I could tell from the comments, there was no real fuss about the big guy making its way through Riverton. Apparently, it followed a river to that area with most people missing it. I guess he picked a great time to cruise through the town, people didn't notice a giant 1000 point mammal enjoying the scenes of the neighborhood.

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One of the Redditors did mention that he was probably trying to find a place away from hunters, so maybe he was on a personal scouting mission. That may also have been the case for the Laramie moose last week. They're just trying to catch a break. Either way, it's still pretty cool to see these guys walking around.

Moose on the Loose

From Bison to Triceratops - All of Wyoming's Official Things

Every state in our nation has chosen things that represent the state in one way or another to be official state things. Like a flower, or animal. Wyoming is no different.

The Equality State, or the Cowboy State, depending on which state slogan you want to go with, has a state flower. But did you know we also have a state tree and a state fish? Yes, we even have a state code.

To be an official thing, a member of the state legislature must write and submit a bill to the legislature declaring that a thing will be the official state thing. Then the legislature votes to pass the bill, or not, if it passes, the governor signs the bill into law and we have a new official state thing.

Here is what we have so far, all of Wyoming's official things. Now you can win big on Wyo Trivia Night if that's a thing that exists.


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