Wyoming Highway Patrol Urges Drivers to Secure Loads
In 2004, Robin Abel's 24-year-old daughter was nearly decapitated when a piece of particle board flew off the trailer ahead of her, smashing through her windshield and blinding her.
The incident prompted the Washington woman to start the "Secure Your Load" safety campaign.
"Abel reached out to WYDOT Director Bill Panos back in February to inform WYDOT of the campaign and asked if Wyoming would be willing to participate," said Wyoming Highway Patrol spokesman Lt. David Wagener.
WYDOT agreed, and is currently using highway message signs and social media to bring awareness to the dangers of unsecured loads.
"Since 2008, 1,833 crashes in Wyoming have been attributed to an unsecured load," said Wagener. "From those crashes, 14 fatalities and 287 injuries resulted."
All 50 states have laws that make unsecured loads illegal, with Wyoming's carrying a $70 fine.
Under Federal Commercial Carrier Regulations, the driver of a commercial truck can be fined $170 for an unsecured load violation and placed out of service until the load is properly secured.
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