Wyoming Capitol Square Project Launches Website
The Wyoming Capitol Square Project has launched a new website to keep the public better informed about the project.
The website includes updates on agency moves and construction, as well as a calendar of events and meetings. It also features floor plans, designs, photos and a behind the scenes blog.
"As the project progresses into construction we'll be providing more information about week to week work and so on," said Suzanne Norton, Architectural Project Manager for the state's Construction Management Division. "There's also a place on the website where you can sign up to receive emails where project updates are sent directly to you."
The Capitol Square Project centers on the restoration of the Wyoming State Capitol, which is a National Historic Landmark, and includes the rehabilitation of the adjacent Herschler Building, as well as a four-story office addition to the Herschler.
This complex multi-year project will repair the buildings while making much needed health, safety, security and electrical upgrades.