When planting your garden, do you ever consider the need for good pollinators? Pollinators are essential for growing a very nice garden in your yard.A pollinator has been defined as an agent that transports pollen from one source to another. They include, but are not limited to: bees, lady bugs, moths, butterflies and even beetles.

Banana's and agave are pollinated by bats and hummingbirds also pollinate plants and flowers, which is a big help to the human race as well.

Some of the plants that you can plant in your garden, that will attract these much needed pollinators are:

  • Butterfly Bush: Slender cones of flowers that come out during the spring and summer time. Their purple colors are beautiful and attract many pollinators.
  • Fennel: A nice yellow addition to your backyard network. Fennel does well in full sun and attracts many bees, which make good honey.
  • Bee Balm: a bit of a "trippy" looking plant, but a wonderful, colorful addition to your yard. These clusters of long tubed flowers are a great hummingbird attractor. So, not only will you have entertaining "hummers", you'll also have pollination going on in your yard.
  • Oregano: As long as you let this plant flower, you'll have bees and hummingbirds pollinating it.
  • Sweet Alyssum: They are a great "filler", of sorts, for your plant and flower beds. Plus, bees pollinate these as well. An all-time favorite of many master and beginner gardeners.

There are many other plants you can buy as well. The Hot Poker is a good one, as well as the Sunflower, which does real well in our climate too. Check with your local nurseries to find out what works best in your neck of the woods.

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