Today is a banner day on The Morning Zone with a myriad of topics and interesting guests:

7:07AM MDT: ALLAN NAIRN, A noted investigative reporter, said recently on "Democracy Now!": "Survivors of the Mayan highland massacres campaigned for three decades, remembering their wives and their husbands who were slit open with machetes and shot in the face and thrown into ditches while they were still alive -- the fact that they were able to campaign for decades, and even though their movement was crushed during the slaughters of the '80s, even though the army and the oligarchy to this day retain power in Guatemala, the people they crushed are on the verge of exacting some justice and may be getting a jail sentence against one of the main people responsible for the deaths of -- I mean, nobody knows the exact death toll of all the slaughters.

7:37AM MDT: Paul Oster, Expert in Credit Repair and Maintenance
As the economy rebounds credit-card solicitations are on the rise. Direct-mail pitches have increased dramatically since the beginning of the year as credit card companies send out millions of pre-approved credit card offers. Credit expert Paul Oster can explain the pros and cons of this strategy, how to avoid the tricks and traps of getting yourself in over your head, and avoiding the same problems that led to the financial troubles we all suffered several years ago.

8:07AM MDT: Mike Lambert, program manager for the Market Research Center, will join hiost Dave Chaffin. Plus, Steve Parker from the Small Business Administration (SBA) will join by phone, and the special business guest of the day will be Mike Wandler, president ofL&H Industrial, Inc., from Gillette, as we explore ways for small business to be more efficient and productive.

9:07AM MDT: Open Lines...You opportunity to be our guest and pick the topic. Call in to the program at 1-888-503-6500 toll free or 307-632-6500 or 632-3323 locally.

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