Today's Program Schedule:

7:07AM MST:Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, the former Navy Chaplain who was honorably but involuntarily discharged and lost his career and pension for the “crime” of praying “in Jesus’ name” in uniform outside of the White House in 2006. Chaplain Klingenschmitt was later vindicated by Congress who rescinded the anti-Jesus ban for military chaplains. He founded and leads The Pray In Jesus Name Project, which has delivered 4.5 million petitions to Congress and helped reverse anti-Jesus bans in 12 states. He will explore The Supreme Court deciding the legality of praying in Jesus name a city council meetings.

7:37-10AM MST: Open Lines. Pick your topic and weigh in. Call 1-888-503-6500 toll free or locally at 307-632-6500 or 632-3323,


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