Watch Mountain Goats Take Over a Wyoming Highway
Driving in Wyoming always has the potential to be an adventure. If you're driving in the mountains, that chance doubles. One family discovered this when they came across a herd of mountain goats that had taken over a Wyoming highway.
This apparently happened on Christmas Day based on the upload date of this video to YouTube. There's no mention of exactly where this was taken, but it does specify Wyoming.
There are a couple of possibilities as far as the exact location. Based on what little you can see of the surrounding mountains, I'd guess the Beartooth Mountains near Cody. Just doesn't look like the Tetons area, but that's just my opinion. The Wyoming Fish and Game website has a nifty mountain goat map if you want to see for yourself.
The Cody area is one of the prime mountain goat hunting areas in Wyoming. According to Wyoming Fish and Game's website, the success rate is near 100% for those that buy a permit. Hunting on highways isn't cool, so no need to get too excited.
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