TikTok Video Has Us Asking “Why Do People Hate Wyoming?”
It all started innocently enough.

I came across a TikTok account called @One_Million_Dollars where they share a quick video of what a million-dollar home in each state would look like.
The property shown was in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Which we can all agree was a more practical choice than showing what a million dollars would get you in Jackson Hole.
The video shows a 4 bedroom, 5 bathroom, 4,256 sq foot home that has a wine cellar and a balcony, it's actually really nice.
@one_million_dollarsWhat a million will by: WYOMING EDITION ##WYOMING ##wyomingweheadedyourway ##cheyenne ##million ##realestate♬ Opaul - Freddie Dredd
Great house right?
Normally I would just keep on scrolling but for some reason, a few of the comments caught my eye.
So I began to read through what people had to say...and was absolutely shocked at all the negative things people said about Wyoming.
Don't get me wrong, I know we aren't perfect, and that our windy weather and lack of population aren't for everyone but I was NOT prepared for the flat-out rude and mean things that they said about our state.
And yes, I went and looked at some other posts to see if maybe this is just how the comments were on these videos, and nope they aren't. None of the other states had anywhere near the negative comments that Wyoming had.
Even Montana had mostly only positive things in their comments...
Apparently TikTok Hates Wyoming, Check Out These Comments
And there you have it...so much yuck.
But you know what I have to say?
If you don't want to be here, then don't come.
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