Do you know any teenagers looking for employment?
The Cheyenne Workforce Center, 1510 E. Pershing Blvd., is hosting a youth job and resource fair between 2 and 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25.
Figures released Tuesday from the Department of Workforce Services show a significant decline in workers dying in accidents on the job in Wyoming last year.
Joan Evans Director of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, says DWS cross matches unemployment benefit claims with employer wage reports regularly to identify potential overpayments.
Over the past couple of years the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services has reorganized resources within the agency to develop a special investigations unit to track down cases of fraud in Workers Compensation and Unemployment Insurance programs...
Expect another great day in The Morning Zone today:
7:07AM MDT: Early Bird Open Lines...If you have to go to work at 8 and can't weigh in then, this is your chance to talk about what's on your mind before you head out. Call toll free at 1-888-503-6500 or locally at 307-632-6500 or 632-3323 locally...
Today is business day in the Morning Zone with host, Dave Chaffin.
7:07AM MDT: Watchdog on Wall Street, Chris Markowski joins Dave to dissect those issues in financial news today that effects our own personal finances.Dysfunction in Washington is one of the biggest drags on the U...
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