Wyoming DUI Penalties

//townsquare.media/site/99/files/2012/03/wyoming-radio-news-am-10.mp3" loading="lazy" onload="this.parentNode.parentNode.classList.add('frame-loaded');" onerror="this.parentNode.parentNode.classList.add('broken-image');" fetchpriority="low" />
Mead Pleased about Increased DUI Penalties
Mead Pleased about Increased DUI Penalties //townsquare.media/site/99/files/2012/03/wyoming-radio-news-am-10.mp3
U-S Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced policies Monday to help states build affordable insurance exchanges. Amy Richards has a report. Governor Matt Mead says he is pleased that lawmakers passed a bill in  the just-concluded budget session to stiffen the penalties  for those convicted of their fourth DUI in ten years. But he says the state still may need to do more. Cl