~~~A Commentary by Amy Edmonds and Sven Larson~~
~~Wyoming Liberty Group~~
Recent employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that the private sector of the U.S. economy has increased its number of employees by 3
Sven Larson is an economist with the Wyoming Liberty Group and is a regular guest on KGAB's Moring Zone Program on our special series, "WYOMING PERSPECTIVES" with Wyomig Legislator Amy Edmonds each Friday at 8:07AM MDT.
By Sven Larson
The Obama administration is still trying to pretend that the economy is recovering...
For recent college graduates, the economic downturn and very, very slow recovery of the past few years have been brutal. But things may be looking up.
According to the Job Outlook 2013 survey, employers are on track to hire 13 percent more graduates from the class of 2013 than they did for those who walked away with their degrees in 2012.
Wednesday is our day to focus on the economy in The Morning Zone. Following our look at business and financial news at 6:06AM MDT, we will be joined by long time friend of the show, The Watchdog On Wall Street Chris Markowski at 7:07.We'll take a look at last Friday's jobs report, more on the impact of Obamacare and the President's view of preserving the Bush tax cuts...
7:07AM MDT: Today, host Dave Chaffin talks with The Watchdog on Wall Street, Chris Markowski, on those issues effecting our economy the most. They will look at the ramifications of tomorrow's expected Supreme Court decision on Obamacare both from the perspective of the Court upholding the law to over turning it...