State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill says she is "very confident" about her campaign for Governor of Wyoming.
Hill says she has the advantage of "knowing what a successful statewide campaign looks like", referring to her election as superintendent in 2010...
Nash also says Hill regularly filled vacancies in the education department with her favorite employees, regardless of whether they met the criteria for the job
Today show includes:
7:07AM MDT: World traveler, author and columnist, Frosty Wooldridge, guests this morning with host Dave Chaffin. He will be talking about In the past week, our U.S. Congress tabled the egregious mistake of amnesty bill S744 projected to render a free pass for 20 million illegal migrants and their families...
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Today's Morning Zone Schedule:
7:07AM MDT: Kids-At-Risk series continues with host Dave Chaffin and co-host John Frentheway. Today there's fresh data to fan the flames of a perennial parenting freak out: Children and screen time...Released this past Monday, a new study by Common Sense Media details how young children consume electronic media, based on a large national survey of children under eigh
The tax climate of Wyoming is ranked 1st out of all 50 states according to a new report by the Tax Foundation. A special house committee investigating state school Superintendent Cindy Hill has voted to hire former Wyoming Attorney General Bruce Salzburg as lead special counsel...
Today's program schedule includes:
7:07AM MDT: World Traveler, former educator, author and columnist Frosty Wooldridge is back to continue his discussion on the long term effects of illegal immigration and over population. Today, we'll talk with his about his popular column, "Utah is planning on building 2 nuclear reactors on the Green River...
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