The City of Cheyenne will mark the completion of a major renovation project next week, as it cuts the ribbon on the refurbished tennis courts at Jaycee Park.
The new home for the Wyoming Army National Guard in Laramie hosted a ribbon cutting and open house Friday, June 14, at the new facility next to the Laramie Regional Airport.
"The Michael B. Enzi STEM Facility is a perfect reflection of the man," read McGinity. "Give people an opportunity to learn, to interact, to share -- and in an environment that works for them -- and they will achieve great things."
Over 500 students in north Cheyenne will have a brand new school to call home when classes start August 25.
Laramie County School District 1 cut the ribbon on Prairie Wind Elementary Friday morning.
"Everybody is very, very excited today," said Superintendent John Lyttle...