National Parks

Non-Profits Help Park Operations [Audio]
Non-Profits Help Park Operations [Audio]
Non-Profits Help Park Operations [Audio]
The Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission announced last week that it hopes to file a report about well bore integrity in Pavillion by the end of the year. Amy Richards reports. Philanthropy and nonprofit organizations have helped National Parks handle federal budget cuts, but park officials say they don't know how long the effects of the funding cuts will remain unseen. Click past jump to l
Packrafting Association Says NPS Needs to Allow Paddling Sports [AUDIO]
Packrafting Association Says NPS Needs to Allow Paddling Sports [AUDIO]
Packrafting Association Says NPS Needs to Allow Paddling Sports [AUDIO]
The American Packrafting Association says the National Park Service needs to be re-examine allowing paddling sports of the rivers of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. Doug Randall reports. Brittany Anderson of Worland, Wyoming will travel to Mobile, Alabama on Sunday June 16th to participate in the 56th Distinguished Young Women National Finals to be held June 27th, 28th and 29th. Read M