Thinking about putting a wager on Saturday's Kentucky Derby?
We make friendly wagers when we watch 'the most exciting two minutes in sports,' but if you want to get serious and bet on the Kentucky Derby, here are off track betting sites in Cheyenne...
The Professional Indian Horse Racing Association is proud to announce that the PIHRA All Nations Indian Relay Championships will take place on September 12-14, 2014, at the Sheridan County Fairgrounds and will become the annual home of the All Nations Indian Relay Championships. Indian Relay, in today’s terms is America’s oldest extreme sport and is now resurging as the worlds’ newest extreme sport! Teams from Horse Nations spread over the northwestern plains intensely compete with each other throughout the summer months to earn their place at the All Nations Indian Relay Championships.
CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — Wyoming’s only licensed horse racing operator says a new state law that allows regulators to issue three-year permits to horse racing businesses will bring stability to the industry.
The law was signed by Gov. Matt Mead earlier this month...
Doug Randall reports that horse racing could return to Sweetwater County this summer. David Bullard, senior economist with the Wyoming Department of Employment, says the state's unemployment rate continued to trend downward in February. Click past the jump to listen to Wyoming Radio news.