CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — An interim legislative committee is studying how to improve school security in Wyoming.
The Associated Press reported that it's looking at training, safer building and school resource officers. Gov. Matt Mead asked the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security to start the group...
7:07AM MST: Early open line time for those who have to head off to work and can't participate later on. Weigh in on whatever is on your mind this morning. 1-888-503-6500 toll free or 307-632-6500 or 632-3323.
7:37AM MST: Ben Barrack is an Investigative Radio Host and Blogger...
There are many "conspiracy" theories out there in the world and many are just that, conspiracy and are unbelievable.
Join me, Gary Freeman of Across America, as we talk with Author Anthony R Howard about his book "The Invisible Enemy: Black Fox" based on real, behind the scene events that take place right here in America and across the world. Click through the jump to hear this