Governor Issues Statement On HollyFrontier RefineryGovernor Issues Statement On HollyFrontier RefineryThe decision is expected to cut about 200 jobs from the company's Cheyenne workforce over the next year to year-and-a-half.Doug RandallDoug Randall
Refinery Conversion Will Cost Cheyenne About 200 JobsRefinery Conversion Will Cost Cheyenne About 200 JobsThe planned conversion of the Cheyenne HollyFrontier Refinery to renewable diesel production will lead to the loss of about 200 jobs in Cheyenne.Doug RandallDoug Randall
Refinery To Add New Pollution Control EquipmentRefinery To Add New Pollution Control EquipmentThe skyline of Cheyenne is about to change slightly with the addition of a huge new piece of pollution control equipment at the city's HollyFrontier refinery.Associated PressAssociated Press