Cheyenne Leash Law To Be Strictly EnforcedCheyenne Leash Law To Be Strictly EnforcedAnimal Control will be strictly enforcing this for the month of September and citations will be issued to offenders.Doug RandallDoug Randall
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Mutilated Dog Found in Laramie CountyGRAPHIC CONTENT: Mutilated Dog Found in Laramie CountyNo microchip was found on the dog, but Logan says the medical examiner believes the dog may have been a large breed puppy such as a German shepherd.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Dog Rescued From Frozen LakeDog Rescued From Frozen LakeFire Chief Greg Hoggatt says the dog's owner did the right thing by calling 911 rather than trying to rescue the animal himself.Doug RandallDoug Randall
Seized Dogs Go Up For AdoptionSeized Dogs Go Up For AdoptionNineteen of the 21 purebred Springer Spaniels seized from a Cheyenne property back in June will be put up for adoption starting Monday.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Pet Scam ReportedPet Scam ReportedA spokeswoman for the Cheyenne Animal Shelter is warning residents about a new scam involving a phony Animal Control Officer.Doug RandallDoug Randall