College of Agriculture and Natural Resources scientists at the University of Wyoming are hopeful their brucellosis studies may produce a better vaccine for livestock and are studying whether a change in vaccination procedures could offer better control.
The decision continues the currently authorized syringe vaccination of bison calves and yearlings periodically captured at the northern boundary of the park.
POWELL, Wyo. (AP) — Two elk have tested positive for brucellosis in the Bighorn Mountains.
However, no cattle in the same area have been found with the disease.
State Veterinarian Jim Logan is recommending a risk assessment of livestock and advised area livestock producers to conduct voluntary surveillance for brucellosis...
Livestock officials say two more cattle in Wyoming have tested positive for exposure to Brucellosis. Doug Randall has more on that story. The Environmental Protection Agency is holding hearings this week on proposed changes to air quality standards for hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" . Deborah Smith from Wyoming News Service reports. Click past the jump to listen to Wyoming Radio Ne