State Continues to Work With Pavillion Residents on Drinking Water
Governor Matt Mead said in a news release he will continue to work with residents who live outside the town of Pavillion to ensure they have access to safe and reliable drinking water.
The Governor in a news release said the State has put forward $750,000 to install cisterns for residents who live in the Pavillion East Gas Field. The State of Wyoming is investigating potential causes of constituents of concern in some domestic water wells in the area.
The Governor said the first 19 cisterns are being installed now and another 13 landowners have signed up for free cisterns. The State has also paid for a water loading station in the town of Pavillion, which is nearly complete. There is a proposal before the Legislature if additional funding is necessary to complete the cistern project. Residents in the area have until February 23, 2014 to sign up for a free cistern. This next round of installations will end the cistern program.
In June 2013, Encana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc. made a grant to the Wyoming Natural Resource Foundation. Governor Mead has identified these funds to pay for water delivery to those with cisterns.
Governor Mead said he is working with the residents outside of Pavillion on the specifics about how the funds will be used. Of the $1.5 million grant, $400,000 will go towards water delivery. Another $150,000 is going to a statewide education and awareness program through the Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts.