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Poll: Should Wyoming Implement A State Income Tax?

Scott Olson, Getty images
Scott Olson, Getty images

The idea of a Wyoming state income tax seems to keep coming up in 2018.

During a recent gubernatorial candidate forum in Cheyenne, five GOP candidates, as well as Democrat Mary Throne, were asked if they would favor such a tax. All six expressed their opposition to the idea.

Republican candidate for Treasurer Curt Meier, in a campaign appearance on KGAB AM in Cheyenne on Thursday, mentioned his opposition to a state income tax.

During debate on the state budget during the 2018 legislative session in March, Senator Dave Kinskey [R-Sheridan] said, “I’m afraid those forces that want to see us spend and not cut may actually want a state income tax.”

So, is it something Wyoming should consider?

Supporters of the idea argue it would diversify Wyoming’s tax base and provide a fairer way to pay for state government. They also say it would tend to cushion the state against the boom and bust cycles caused by the state’s current reliance on taxes on the minerals industry. Some supporters also point to a massive budget shortfall for education in coming years as evidence Wyoming needs to do something to increase revenues.

But, opponents of the idea say there is no real reason to implement an income tax, often arguing state government needs to cut waste and learn to live within its means if current tax revenues aren’t enough. They also say the lack of a state income tax is a quality of life issue that separates the Cowboy State from most other states.

So what do you think? We will publish the results of our survey next week.

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