Join in the fight against breast cancer in Wyoming with the Pink Ribbon Runs in Casper and Cheyenne Saturday, August 11th, organized by the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative. The events help raise funds "to increase breast cancer awareness and prevention across Wyoming", according to their mission.

"Our mission is to educate, advocate, and eradicate," says Advisory Team Member and breast cancer survivor Bobbi Barrasso. "We're a volunteer-driven organization, we raise money through the runs and other activities and work with the Wyoming Community Foundation to then grant the money to Wyoming organizations. The money stays in Wyoming."

The many efforts of WBCI include a voucher program that provides funding for screenings and mammograms, and helping breast cancer patients navigate through what can be a confusing and stressful process. "All the way through, we have people there to help and guide, from screening to diagnosis, through treatment and post-treatment," says Barrasso, who adds that they've granted out more than $200,000 to Wyoming organizations over the last three years.

Pink Ribbon Run in Casper:

  • Saturday, August 11th at the Tate Pumphouse.
  • Survivor Celebration at 8:00am, Race begins at 8:30am
  • Registration: Adult - $25
    Youth (5-18 Years Old) - $15
    Child (Under 5) - $5
    Survivors – Registration is Free
  • Registration and Packet Pick-up Friday August 10th, 3:30pm-6:30pm at the east side Wyoming Athletic club, or before the Race Saturday.


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