New Police Captain Promoted In Cheyenne Police Department
The Cheyenne Police Department has seen several changes since incoming Cheyenne Mayor Patrick Collins took office months ago. We saw a new Chief of Police take command from Kansas City in Mark Francisco. Chief Francisco was sworn in back in March, replacing long standing Chief Brian Kozak.
Big changes can lead to a ripple effect and changes throughout the department. While there haven't been many big changes after Chief Francisco took over, we do have news of a new Captain in the ranks of the Cheyenne Police Department. It was announced on Cheyenne Police Department's Facebook Page this morning that David Janes would be promoted to the rank of Captain.
Please join us in celebrating the promotion of David Janes to the rank of Captain! Capt Janes brings 17 years of police experience to his new role. His leadership skills and commitment to the community are greatly valued by our team. Congratulations, Capt Janes!

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