Mayor and Council Members Talk on the Loss of Lieutenant Danny Dundas
At the Casper City Council work session on Tuesday, Mayor Steve Freel, along with council member Bruce Knell and Vice Mayor Ray Pacheco, talked about the great loss that the community suffered from the death of Lieutenant Danny Dundas.

Freel said:
"Before we start, I want to read you something. As many of you know, yesterday we lost a leader within the Casper Police Department. Lieutenant Danny Dundas was born here in Casper Wyoming. He was a graduate of Natrona County High School, attended the University of Wyoming on a full ride academic scholarship. Graduated in 2008 with a bachelors degree in criminal justice and psychology. Lieutenant Dundas began his career as a Casper police officer in 2008 and graduated in the top of his class, and receiving awards for the highest fitness and highest academic levels in the class. Throughout his career, Lieutenant Dundas held many positions in the department, and worked his way up the ranks. In the spring of 2019 he graduated from Northwestern University school for police staff and command, which is a very prestigious leadership and commander staff members of police departments. In his career Lieutenant Dundas has been awarded numerous certificates of accommodations, letter of merit, life saving medal, distinguished service medal, the police service cross with combat distinguish and unit accommodation awards. I personally know the impact Lieutenant Dundas has had within the Casper Police Department, our community as a whole, and law enforcement agencies around the state and outside our borders. As we all grieve this tremendous loss, let us also remember the humors and energetic Danny Dundas we all knew and loved. He would want it to be that way. Please join me in a moment of silence."
At the end of the council work session, Knell also spoke about the loss of Lieutenant Dundas has on the community.
"Also, concerning officer Dundas and all those that were affected by him, I loved to see the outpouring from the community. Everything was so positive, and he is going to be sorely missed. I had some experiences myself that were just awesome, so what a hole in our community."
Pacheco said how hard it is for people to deal with the loss and wanted people to know his thoughts and prayers go out to the people impacted by the loss of Lieutenant Dundas.
"An extension of the mayors statement at the beginning of the meeting. I just want to extend my condolences to the Dundas family, keep them lifted in my thoughts and prayers as they wade through this tragedy. Number two, extending my thoughts and prayers to the police department, I know this is very difficult for them and the chief, you are in my thoughts and my prayers, and Carter, I know it's been a rough couple days for you now, send that out to you and the organization to be able to do that, thoughts and prayers are with you."
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