Cool Concept Snow Machines For Wyoming’s Next Winter Blast
We have had a good amount of snow this winter.
Some are rethinking how to get around Wyoming when we get that much snow.
Maybe that average little car is not enough.
Sure, you could go for a big truck or SUV.
Buy why not have a little more fun with this?
There are snow machines, and other snow travel devices, that you've never thought of.
But trust me, once you see them you will want one.
Let's start small.
This little vehicle is electric and just a blast to get around on.
I think the dog wants a ride.
The battery back on the back runs an electric motor that powers the two back treads.
It's actually rather fast and stable enough to do spins and loops.
Want some exercise?
Try this next one.
Actually, this thing might be good to take with you if you get stranded in your vehicle.
Leave your vehicle.
Drop this on the snow and peddle down the road.
It has gears to make peddling easier.
There is a side stick for steering.
There is even a version of this that sits up more like a bike.
Want to get more serious?
We can do that.
How about a low-rider snow tracker?
This sucker means business when you need to get someplace and you're going to have to climb up over snow drifts.
Put some big treads on a heavy engine, with lights and a roll bar, and you're ready for action.
Notice the front end, that's designed for when you hit a snow bank and need to slide up and climb up it.
Yeah, it's fast.
How about a dog sled, without the dogs?
This sucker has one big fat snow tread under it.
That tread is powered by a serious engine.
Stand in the back, or on a sled behind it.
Honestly, there is no place this thing can't pull you.
Just make sure to hang on.
Still not serious enough for you?
Fine, this next one is called THE SHERP.
You can cross snow, then a lake.
The ice can break on the lake and it won't matter.
These big tires float and will act like big paddle wheels.
Winter can't stop this thing
But you better have deep pockets. This big guy is EXPENSIVE!
Too much?
Okay, let's get more practical.
This next one is called THE RACK!
A couple of treads and a bucket with seats to sit in.
It's a nice safe ride that can get you to work, or the store, and back, in any conditions.
Actually, it looks good for fun family outings.
Even camping.
Want to get SPORTY?
Now you can have a snowmobile sports car.
Pull up to someone who's driving a regular car, on snow and ice, and challenge them to a race.
I'm thinking you'll win.
If not, you'll look cooler than them while losing.
These and many other concept designs are found in the video you can watch, below.
There are many cool concepts that are in the design idea phase and have not been released to market yet.
There are a few of them I'm tempted to keep in the back of my vehicle just in case I get stuck someplace and need to get out of there.
Some, I just want.
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