There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done.

Work, kids, practice, preparing meals, cleaning, laundry, church, and school prevent you from completing all your projects.

Just because it's January and wintertime doesn't mean life is slowing down. You're likely spending more time inside than in the warm months, but finding the time to get stuff done is challenging.

However, you can complete a few tasks around your house if you have five minutes to spare.

Have you checked out the social media pages of Dad Advice From Bo?

@DadAdviceFromBo Facbook
@DadAdviceFromBo Facebook

Bo does exactly what the title says...

Gives great dad advice.

If you watch his videos for a few minutes, you'll learn something new. If you need help with something in particular, you can ask him how to do it.

I love it when people on social media use their platforms for good and not evil.

One of his recent videos showed four things you can do around the house that only take five minutes. After you watch how quickly Bo gets the job done, you'll realize just how easy they are.

Task 1 - Vaccum out your bathroom vents and wall heaters.

Task 2 - Clean out behind and under your refrigerator.

Task 3 - Clean your dishwasher filter.

Task 4 - Remove the 'Gunk' from your bathroom sink.

If each task takes five minutes, you've accomplished a lot in just twenty minutes.


You can follow the 'Dad advice from Bo' on Instagram and TikTok, or check him out on Facebook.

It's worth your time, for sure.

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