5 Tips to Save You Some Cash If You’re Paying Too Much For Cell Phone Service
Even though we appreciate the great access and technology, it seems like cell phone service companies are charging more and more. This may be a solution for you. Today on the Top 5 at 7:45, I'll highlight other cell phone carriers that you may want to contact and look into, to see if you can't save a bit of money.
- Republic Wireless - They are tied into the Sprint network, but have some good and inexpensive deals.
- Ting - Good and inexpensive plans to look at.
- H2O Wireless - This runs on AT&T networks and have some good plans.
- Giv Mobile - This runs on T-Mobiles network.
- Freedom Pop - Monthly deals and plans that may fit your family.
The Top 5 at 7:45 airs weekdays with me, Gary Freeman and is sponsored by First Education Federal Credit Union.