Hunter Group Seeks to Bar Bikes, ATVs in Wyoming Wild Areas
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — A hunting advocacy group seeks to eliminate mountain biking and all-terrain vehicles in two western Wyoming wilderness study areas.
The group Mountain Pursuit sued the U.S. Forest Service in federal court in Casper on Sept. 26.
The lawsuit targets mountain biking in the Palisades Wilderness Study Area and biking and ATVs in the Shoal Creek Wilderness Study Area. The group claims the Forest Service allows bikes and ATVs but the law that established the areas doesn't.
Wilderness study areas are candidates for designation as wilderness, where mechanized transportation is prohibited.
Forest Service spokeswoman Mary Cernicek declined comment Friday, citing policy not to comment on litigation.
Jesse Combs with Advocates for Multi-Use of Public Lands says his group supports the Forest Service in allowing bikes and ATVs in the areas.
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