This is probably the biggest comedy show to be announced for Cheyenne since Bob Saget came last November. Cheyenne Presents is bringing, who I would call a "king of comedy" to the Cheyenne Civic Center, Rodney Carrington.

When is Rodney Carrington performing in Cheyenne?

He'll be hitting the Cheyenne Civic Center on November 3rd. The tour is called the "Let Me In Tour!"Tickets for the show go on sale this Friday, August 5th at 10 AM.

This is pretty exciting, You're probably familiar with Rodney Carrington for a variety of reasons, maybe you've heard his funny songs, or funny holiday songs, watched his sitcom he had a while back, seen his standup online or in person, or you're just a Rodney Carrington mega fan.

If you're not familiar with Rodney Carrington(ring the shame bells!) here is some of his standups, so you can get accustomed to how awesome his performance is going to be.

Yeah, now your brain is jogging in the right direction, you'll be able to confidently purchase your tickets on Friday so that you can give yourself an early Christmas gift in November. See, I'm looking out for you.

Kudos to Cheyenne Presents for bringing in a huge act for Cheyenne. We need to make sure we sell this bad boy out so that they'll keep bringing awesome shows to Cheyenne. It really does help, especially with the promoters for these shows. If they know they can sell tickets, they'll come our way.

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