Governor Mead Fights EPA’s Clean Power Plan
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead says he will continue to fight the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan.
Wyoming, which is the nation's number one coal producing state, has until September 2016 to put together a state plan.
"Sixteen states, including Wyoming, have asked the U.S. Supreme Court for an administrative stay," said Governor Mead. "At this point we are looking and hopefully are going to get a favorable decision in getting a stay on the rule itself."
Governor Mead says the Clean Power Plan would require Wyoming to reduce carbon pollution from existing power plants by 42%.
"We have the fifth highest reduction requirements of any state in the country," said Governor Mead.
Governor Mead says the inability, at this point in time, to get coal out of our ports has caused huge losses in coal companies.
"We love natural gas in Wyoming, it's a big revenue source and provides a lot of meaningful jobs in Wyoming," said Governor Mead. "But if the energy policy is to completely move away from coal and into natural gas, they need to recognize that coal, in terms of reliability, is a wonderful resource. There's hundreds of years of coal left."
Governor Mead also questions what the plan will mean to consumers.
"When you require fuel switching, that is from coal-fired plant to a natural gas-fired plant, you're going to cause stranded assets that the consumers are going to have to pay for," said Governor Mead.