September 11, 2011

This Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. In order to honor those who died and those who have lived, we have planned a very special Rememberance Morning Zone program for Friday, September 9. Please join us as we remember 9-11. We will feature special vignettes and guests over the entire program.

At 7:07AM MDT, Maureen Santora will be with us. She lost her only son, Christopher. He was youngest  New York fire fighter  to die on 9-11. Today Maureen celebrates his life by helping children in New York City by awarding scholarships in Christopher's memory to hundreds of students each year.
Dr. Jim Denison, will join us at 7:37 to talk about the continued threat of Muslim extremism and faith based insights in this post 9-11 era.
8:07, author Pamela Geller will be our guest. Pamela still sees the Islamization of America as a great threat 10 years after 9-11.
Micah Halpern, our middle eastern analyst and commentator still lives just blocks away from ground zero in New York City. Micah watched, first hand, the horrifying events of that day unfold. He will guest with us at 8:37  to talk about how 9-11 changed his and all of our worlds that day .
At 9:07, I.Q. Al Rassooli who was raised in a radical Islam family in the middle east will share his thoughts on 9-11 and where we find ourselves 10 years later in the battle with the terrorists.
Rev. Rodger McDaniel will be with us live in the studio at 9:37 to outline the special 9-11 event planned for the Wyoming State Capitol on Sunday, September 11.

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