Fire At Saratoga Saw Mill Causes Evacuations, Continues To Burn [VIDEO]
A fire at that burned millions of board feet of wood at the lumber mill in Saratoga is likely to continue to burn for a few more days. Officials say the fire broke out Monday afternoon, and nearby neighborhoods were evacuated as as multiple fire crews battled the blaze in high winds. Saratoga Mayor Ed Glode held a press conference Tuesday to update the situation, it was carried as a Facebook Live event by the Saratoga Sun.
Mayor Glode and other officials say the fire, the cause of which has not been named, has burned some six million board feet of boards and logs stockpiled on the east side of the property, and the fire has been contained to that saw mill property. There have been no injuries, and no loss to the mill itself or other property. Although very high winds were forecast, officials say the immediate area of the fire escaped the worst of those winds.
Officials say nearly every firefighting resource in Carbon County was brought in, at one point numbering more than 70 personnel and 25 pieces of equipment in addition to resources from the mill itself. Carbon Power & Light Monday night was asked to shut off power to some of the area, according to a press release. They say power was restored to parts of the neighborhood around the mill Monday night, but there were still a few areas without power near the Saratoga Lake as of Tuesday morning.
Mayor Glode says they have started the process of requesting state and federal aid from Homeland security, should the situation worsen again. Meantime, he says although contained, the situation remains dangerous and the more people who come to look at the fire, the more difficult the work. "The one message to the public," he says, "is stay out of the way."
Those wanting to donate food, water or other supplies to the firefighters are asked to please contact the Saratoga Police Department at (307) 326-8316.
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