Coloradoan WIns 2017 Chugwater Chili Contest [VIDEO]
The 2017 Chugwater Wyoming Chili Cook-Off ended with a dramatic tie that had to be broken by the judges, who were deadlocked themselves. They finally chose a winner, but he was not from Wyoming. He was from Fort Collins, Colorado. That means he still wins a prize. But only Wyoming residents get the privilege of representing Wyoming in the big National Chili Cook-Off.
This is the 32nd year for the cook-off, which offers camping, kids games and playground, great food, vendors, a beer tent, and live music for a full afternoon in a town of just 216 residents.
Every Saturday before Father's Day the town triples in size, with all the proceeds going to the Chugwater Fire and Ambulance, Chugwater Historical Unity Group, Chugwater Housing and Economic Development and the Chugwater Community Center.
In the video above you will see that while Chugwater might be a tiny little town off I-25, they know how to throw a party.