Casper Eagle Scout Leads Cleanup on State Trust Land Parcel
Seventeen year old Nate Hanley of Casper briefed the Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners regarding his efforts to complete his Eagle Scout Project, which involved the clean up of a heavily abused parcel of state trust land located about sixteen miles southwest of Casper on Thursday. Typically, Eagle Scout Projects are an opportunity for young men in Boy Scouts of America to demonstrate leadership while performing a project for the benefit of their community.
Hanley planned, organized and carried out his work on Saturday, September 29, 2012. He was able to recruit forty volunteers from his church, school and community to help with the clean up. Casper area business owners were central to Hanley’s efforts, as they provided donations of shovels, rakes, trash bags, work gloves, bottled water and gift cards. A local waste collection business volunteered equipment to remove the trash.
After an estimated 170 work hours, which included planning and clean-up, volunteers were able to remove over seven tons of trash from the parcel. Trash included litter, tires, propane tanks, shell casings, shot up appliances and furniture. The parcel on which Hanley focused his Eagle Scout Project has seen a history of abuse. In the spring of 2006, the parcel was cleaned up by 225 volunteers who removed 56,840 pounds of trash and 14,520 pounds of scrap iron from the site.
Governor Matt Mead presented Hanley with a Certificate of Recognition from the Board of Land Commissioners. Mead remarked that, “Nate’s efforts to clean up this state land are an inspiration to other prospective Eagle Scouts and to all of us, reminding us that we can make a difference in our great state. I thank him on behalf of the Board of Land Commissioners.”