Zach Custard
[VIDEO] Epic Stand-off Between Two Bighorn Sheep in Montana
Getting stuck behind animals in traffic can be a bit of a bummer. But not when they put on a little show for you while they are jamming up the road.
How’s Our Dental Health In The Cowboy State?
So, people in my family have some pretty great smiles. I'm not sure if it's just good genetics or just good oral hygiene habits. Either way, I'll just say that we are blessed to not have to worry about missing teeth or looking like we've neglected our oral health for the last 20 years.
Map Shows How Much the Population Has Changed in Wyo Since 1810
The Internet is all a buzz about this map going around showing just how much the population in each state has changed over the years. More specifically how much has changed since 1810. It's a pretty boring map until you get to somewhere around the 1950s.
Ever Wondered What a Snowplow Looked Like In Wyoming In 1949?
I know that I bring up how much technology has changed our lives in the last 20 years but this is taking this to a whole new level.
[PHOTO] The First Phone Call Made In Wyoming in 1878
Our phones have such an important role in our lives and it has become one of the most important inventions in history if you want my opinion on it. But back in a day when things were strickly done by telegraph and by snail mail, you had no choice but to be patient for things to arrive and to get information.
According to the Internet This is the Best Selling Car in Wyo
If you were to guess what kind of vehicle is the most popular vehicle in Wyoming I bet you'd say some big truck or all-wheel drive vehicle huh? Well if that's what you guessed, you'd be wrong according to our good friend the internet.
Listen to This Group of Wolves Howling at Yellowstone Park
There's nothing quite like watching a pack of wolves running along the road and howling as they run back to the pack. Honestly, it reminds me of my parents hound dogs who have similar howls as these little fellas do. Of course, the hound dogs are not nearly as dangerous!
[VIDEO] Massive Wolf Pack Surrounds Bear In Yellowstone
We all know how scary and vicious nature can be but let's face it. Animals gotta eat just like the rest of us and in the words of one of my favorite Disney movies "It's the circle of life." - The Lion King.
[VIDEO] Fun New Way Of Removing Snow From Your Driveway
I found this incredible invention on this morning and it is by far the best thing and would make an awesome Christmas gift if I could find it online!
Survey Says We Don’t Trust Other Drivers During Winter
Driving during the wintertime is never a fun thing to do. I was recently driving to my apartment from P.V. quite a long drive during the wintertime and even worse at night. The snow was coming down pretty hard and the snowplows hadn't gotten to the roads I was driving on and it made it a very scary drive home.