When Will I Receive My Tax Refund? [Sponsored]
Taxes done? That's a good feeling! Expecting a refund? Even better! Let McGee, Hearne & Paiz help you figure out when to expect your refund.
You can generally expect your refund within three weeks after the Internal Revenue Service accepts your e-filed return. Ad...
Self Employed? Make Sure You Maximize Your Tax Savings [Sponsored]
McGee, Hearne & Paiz knows the self employed already have a lot on their plate, but remind you to ensure you're doing all you can to minimize your tax liabilities.
Don't overlook these important tax strategies:
Mileage is deductible, so make sure you keep a log for your business-related travel.
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Important Tax Documents May Have Arrived in Your E-mail [Sponsored]
McGee, Hearne & Paiz want you to know you should check your email for important tax information.
Statements and other tax documents are on the way from employers, banks, stockbrokers and other institutions and agencies that involve taxpayers' financial lives last year. Ea...
Five Steps to Taking Full Advantage of Tax Law for Your 2012 Return [Sponsored]
McGee, Hearne & Paiz reminds you to take full advantage of tax laws when preparing your 2012 return. Here are five steps to ensuring you only pay what you're required and everything goes as smoothly as possible!
Gather documentary evidence for write-offs you plain to claim.
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COMMENTARY: To the Winner; Good Luck, You’ll Need It
To the next president of the United States, you face a living nightmare of a financial Katrina combined with ecological Sandy. Our country stands $16 trillion in debt while we wade further into deeper waters at $1 trillion more annually...
A Note on Glenn Beck
Apologies to everyone and a note: we haven't canceled or moved Glenn Beck's program. We've run into a small technical issue with our satellite feed that we're working diligently to correct.
Please bear with us as we troubleshoot this issue...
Photos from CFD Rodeo on the Radio-Sunday, July 22
Another great bronc ride Sunday
The Backyard Ombudsman: Install A Natural Snag!
by Ken Rudman
Ok birders! Some of the most high profile questions we birders get is “what can I do to attract birds to my neck of the woods?” Now is the time of year, if you haven’t already, to start thinking about what plans you have in mind for your outdoor garden projects, especially if you want to attract wild birds and other wild life...
Commentary: Chinese Report Slams U.S. Crime, Guns, Police
In an international game of tit-for-tat, the Chinese government on Friday released a biting report regarding human rights in the United States, zeroing-in on crime statistics, gun ownership, and police action against rioters such as the Occupy Wall Street protesters.
The Backyard Ombudsman: Do It Yourself Pest Control
If you have planted a garden and or have a pond or water attraction built into your backyard network, then you are well aware of the fact that these items also attract the unwelcome pests like bugs and mosquitoes. The first thing people may do is expend some sort of common pesticides or pesticide poisoning...