Chris Adamo

Commentary: VP Myths And Misguided “Conventional Wisdom”
by Christopher G. Adamo
The nation has now reached that milestone of the presidential campaign in which major speculation is taking place regarding the choice of running mate for presumed Republican nominee Mitt Romney...

Commentary: An Open Letter to Mitt Romney
Dear Governor Romney,
With the suspension of Sen. Rick Santorum’s campaign, it now appears that you have the 2012 Republican presidential nomination sewn up. And in the current climate, that should assure you of a victory in November...

Commentary: Obama’s Quest To Consolidate Federal Power
Long before his inauguration, Barack Obama made clear his intentions to expand the reach and power of government beyond any former boundaries.

Commentary: America Gravely Threatened By Activist Government
Americans at the “grassroots” have awakened in recent decades to the ravages of judges who “legislate from the bench.” Clearly, the Obamacare debacle, and the threat it poses to the nation, highlight the degree to which it has been dispossessed from its roots. Yet the picture gets worse still. In truth, it is not merely the judiciary, but virtually every high level branch of government that is currently shattering every former boundary, and engaging in “legislating,” devoid of any rightful authority to do so, but continuing unchecked by virtue of a complete lack of opposition.

Commentary: Why Rick Santorum Connects With The Heartland
America’s next leader must not only commit to limiting the bloat of government, he must publicly and unabashedly condemn the inherent immorality of the excessive spending that spawned it in the first place. He must likewise seek to reverse the dependency it fosters, and the burden it places on future generations.

Commentary: Debunking The Myth of Santorum’s “Big Government Conservatism”
Rick Santorum is no advocate of the “big government” that confiscates private property and redistributes it in the name of “social justice.” Yet he understands that government must be “big enough” to fulfill its constitutional role if the nation is to survive and flourish. Many of his critics are wailing and gnashing teeth over the dismal path the nation has recently taken. Yet they stubbornly refuse to admit that no shortcuts exist by which it can be restored.

Commentary: Correctly Framing the 2012 Elections
Since being handed a decisive majority status in the landslide 2010 elections, which were an adamant repudiation of the leftward shift of ’06 and ’08, it has become painfully clear that the ultimate goal of “Republican” House Speaker John Boehner and his inner circle is to avoid any appearance of aggressive opposition to the ravages of liberalism and socialism.

Commentary: What European Chaos Portends For America
Were Barack Obama truly concerned about the ramifications of the nation’s current course (a notion that, in light of his actions of the past three years, is admittedly absurd on its face), he would be doing his best to disentangle the American people from their ever deepening dependence on the federal government. Yet he is undeniably doing exactly the opposite.

Commentary: What America Needs In 2012
Assessing the sum total of the latest news, one is left wondering whether to laugh or be seriously alarmed. Those pathetic bands of shiftless loiterers on Wall Street and in prominent locations across the nation, while hardly overwhelming in number, nonetheless represent the latest iteration of the Obama/Alinsky “community organizing” antics.

Commentary: Can Liberals Devise A New ‘Grassroots’ Phenomenon?
So, the left is once again working to construct its own mass movement, touting it as the real voice of the people. It is this effort that lies at the root of the vastly overblown “Occupy Wall Street” debacle of recent weeks. And, once again, the underlying truths of this effort inexorably highlight the real means and motives of liberal America.