About every 60 to 90 days, we find our computer systems telling us it's time to change that password. If you use predictable passwords, your computer system could be hacked.  Today on the Top 5 at 7:45, I'll highlight some of the password sequences that you probably should not use, as they are way to easy for a hacker to hack.

  1. 12345 - This is a bad sequence to use, as is 98765. You should try to come up with a more complicated password that is harder to hack.
  2. "Password" - This is a very predictable password and is used by more people than you might think. Stay away from predictability in your passwords.
  3. Business Name.1 - Don't use your own business name as this will be one of the passwords that hackers will try up front.
  4. Your Date of Birth - If the hackers know your date of birth, they also know that this is easy to remember and man people use it. Stay away from too personal information.
  5. Easy Passwords - If you're in the automotive business, stay away from tire, wrench, and brakes. If you're in the sports and athletic business, stay away from football, soccer or baseball.

The Top 5 at 7:45 airs weekdays with me, Gary Freeman and sponsored by First Education Federal Credit Union.

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