
Catch our Kids-At-Risk Series today in The Morning Zone. At 7:07, John Frentheway, Renee Hansen and Gary Freeman join us to discuss dangerous new guidelines being developed here in the U.S. Children who are merely shy or sad are at risk of being diagnosed with mental disorders and given powerful drugs, experts warn.

Psychologists say that new guidelines being developed in America will lead more young people seeing their common problems regarded as illnesses that must be treated, rather than just being given support.
They fear that pupils who are quiet at school could be diagnosed with “social anxiety disorder” while those who become withdrawn after suffering a bereavement are classified as having a “depressive disorder”.
Children who just talk back to adults or lose their temper regularly could be diagnosed with “oppositional defiant disorder”.
As a result, those found to have these increasingly broad mental disorders could be prescribed powerful medication such as Prozac or Ritalin to control or alter their behaviour.

At 8:07, Donna Garner, retired teacher, speaker, columnist and education activist joins Marvin Nash and Dave Chaffin to blow the whistle on the dangers of the proposed new Federal  CORE cirriculum, Planned Parenthood's Secret Agenda, and issues with school bullying.

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