I am learning a lot of email do's and don't for both professional and personal communications. When to send, when not to send, reply, not to reply. It can be pretty confusing and distracting. But you can bring order to your cyber communications.


First of all, can you respond too quickly. When you do that, the sender might think you don't have a grasp on the information sent. We are all busy, and sometimes these hectic schedules force us to quickly scan through emails and reply with rapid speed. While your coworkers and clients may enjoy the quick response, responding too quickly can backfire. You could end up responding to someone you did not intend to include in the conversation. It could also force you to respond out of anger (if the initial email upset you), and this could cause a variety of problems for you and those you work with. Plus, responding too quickly is how you end up with spelling and grammatical errors, so take a moment and slow down before hitting send.


I know. This one seems to counteract the aforementioned, but not responding fast enough is also a problem. If you receive a barrage of emails everyday, you know how hard it is to keep up, but that doesn't give you permission to simply ignore answering your coworkers or clients. If others have been trying to contact you via email for days and you don’t respond, it is telling your boss, co-workers or clients that you’re not able to manage all of your responsibilities. Simply acknowledge receipt of an email and let the recipient know you will be back to them soon with more details.

I will cover more email communications every weekend, thanks for reading, now go check your email.


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