~~By Frosty Wooldridge~~
Just when you think our cities cannot become more crowded, our air more polluted, our highways more gridlocked, our schools more crunched, and our impending water shortages more critical in seven states—Congress expects to jump legal immigration from 1.0 million annually to 2.0 million annually.
The collective IQ of our U.S. Congress members cannot possibly exceed double digits.   With our enormous $16.5 trillion debt, 47 million Americans and non-Americans subsisting on food stamps and our huge unemployment crisis—our “Gang of Eight” U.S. Senators foisted on the House of Representatives an amnesty bill, S744, that doubles the current legal immigration annually to 2.0 million immigrants every year for the rest of this century.
For a graphic understanding, please watch of this sobering if not upsetting presentation by Roy Beck of NumbersUSA.org in Washington, DC. You will notice the audience drops its collective jaw when Beck shows exactly where this legal immigration juggernaut takes future generation.  Be prepared to drop your jaw when you see it:
“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

What you saw on that video will become your children’s reality if this S744 bill passes into law.  It will ensure future generations lack enough water, energy, food, arable land for crops, fresh air and a stable environment to exist with any kind of normality.
That bill, now being bounced around by the House of Representatives, will add 100 million more immigrants inside of three decades—a short 35 years or so.  (Source: PEW Research Center, Fogel-Martin “US Population Projections”, U.S. Census Bureau.)
Folks, these aren’t just your normal, run of the mill immigrants that think with Western minds and/or speak the English language.  These people arrive from Somalia, Sudan, Congo, Iraq, Pakistan, Kurdistan, Morocco, Kenya, Libya and other violent Islamic states.   They arrive from mud huts, tents and war torn countries.  They arrive from Mexico with a collective mind to re-take Southwest America via birth rates. They arrive uneducated, culturally centuries behind the US and they cannot speak our language.
They arrive with the same kinds of distrust, fear, anger and violence as the Boston Marathon bombers, U.S. Army Major Nidal Hassan who shot 43 people at Fort Hood, the Times Square Bomber, the Detroit, Michigan shoe bomber, the Denver subway bomber Zizi, the Muslim who ran over his wife and daughter in Phoenix, Arizona and dozens more.  They arrive with insanely different ideas as to living, culture and languages.
In 1899, Winston Churchill said, “Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”
Ample examples find reality today in UK, Holland, France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and Spain.
“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”
If this bill passes, we can expect 100 million legal, disenfranchised, low educational horsepower, poverty stricken (think of 100 million citizens of Haiti moving into the USA), and culturally out of sync with the American way of life—moving into America within three decades.
They will become America’s intractable and entrenched poor.
As it stands today, legal and illegal immigrants cost American taxpayers $346 billion across 15 federal agencies annually according to economist Edwin Rubenstein.  (Source: www.TheSocialContract.com) Think what another 100 million immigrants will mean to our welfare systems.
It means 33 million people will be legally added to the USA by 2023.  But, as Bugs Bunny said, “That’s not all folks!”  Those same immigrants will birth 900,000 babies annually according to Dr. Steve Camorata at www.cis.org, which totals 9.0 million more immigrants within 10 years.  That totals 42 million people within a decade.  When you add our own “population momentum” of 1.0 million annually, that’s another 10 million people in a decade.  That’s a total of 52 million people added to the USA within a decade.
Does anyone understand the ramifications of adding 52 million people within a decade?  Apparently not!   If our U.S. Congress continues on its utterly stupid, ignorant and insane quest to dump that many immigrants onto our civilization—all 535 of them should be brought up for treason against the American people.  As to Barack Obama, he can’t wait to add that many welfare recipients, which tabulates into votes.
If this S744 bill passes, your kids will curse this generation's apathy, stupidity and lack of judgment.
Read Jared Diamond’s Collapse: How civilizations choose to succeed or fail.
Passing S744 amnesty guarantees the collapse of America in the coming decades.  It guarantees religious confrontation, intractable poverty, cultural tension, educational bedlarm and linguistic chaos.  I do not understand why 535 people in Congress and one dunce of a president cannot see or refuse to see the end result of mass amnesty and endless immigration.

Can we recover America back to America?
~~By Frosty Wooldridge~~
For the past several years, America finds itself fragmenting at the seams.  We suffer a gridlocked Congress that watches problems grow and grow—but it fails to take action to solve anything.  It continues endless wars abroad.  It watches our educational systems disintegrate, but does nothing.   Endless millions of minorities and the Middle Class cannot secure jobs, but Congress continues to import 100,000 green card holding immigrants every 30 days.
A mind-blowing 47 million Americans subsist on food stamps, but our U.S. Congress continues to offshore jobs, insource jobs and outsource jobs.  Those 535 congressional critters do everything in their power to subvert the Middle Class of America.
Across America, illiteracy grows as 7,000 kids quit high school every day of the nine-month school cycle.  CBS anchor Scott Pelley said, “Our educational results cannot sustain America.”
In other words, we cannot keep kicking illiterate kids into the job market and hope they can read, write and perform simple math—when they can’t.
We suffer Black-America revolting with marches over Latino-American Zimmerman killing African-American Martin with calls of racism, when, at the same time, 1,300 blacks killed 1,300 blacks from the Martin killing to the trial date.  Black on black crime killed 1,299 black kids while blacks protested over one shooting of a Latino killing a black.  It never occurs to them that black on black and black on white crime runs 1,000 to 1.
The Main Stream Media censors the phenomenon known as “Black Flash Mobs” where young blacks in cities like Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago and Minneapolis—run wild in streets beating up white people and looting stores.
Why? Those kids don’t enjoy fathers to mentor them toward responsible adulthood as 68 percent of all black kids in America are raised by single mothers.  About 99 percent of them live on welfare and in poverty.  (Source: Denver Post, Dottie Lamm)  Yet, the Congress sits and knits, picks its nose and yawns and scratches its rear-end, but won’t get off its collective butt to solve the problems.
Our nation faces $16.5 trillion debt, entrenched poverty class, growing illiteracy, accelerating killings, intractable crime, drugs and unemployment.
Yet, it imports 100,000 legal Third World immigrants every 30 days.   In 2013, we feature over 40 million people not born in this country.  As they continue to bring in their families and birth their babies, whole communities in cities like Chicago, Miami, Houston and LA do not resemble America or speak our language.
Every American sees the mess exploding, but most remain clueless as to its origins.
On a recent radio show where I interview weekly, www.KGAB.com with Dave Chaffin on the “Morning Zone,”  a caller asked a poignant question:  “Will we ever get back to the America that I knew growing up as a kid?”
First of all, the America of 50 years ago with Norman Rockwell paintings of paper boys throwing papers onto the steps of nicely painted houses with picket fences—will not be seen again.  Instead, we see violent mega-cities exploding beyond the skyline with air pollution and gridlock.
Since 1965, we imported 100 million third world immigrants because of Teddy Kennedy’s Immigration Reform Act.  That bill continues today as it adds 1.2 million third world people annually.
We contorted America from three major ethnic tribal groups with the same Christian religion to over a dozen tribal groups with aggressive religions like Islam.  If the current amnesty bill passes, it will import 1.5 million third world immigrants annually, or, about 125,000 new comers each month.  Total: 100 million by 2050.
Where are they coming from?  This two-minute video on Bangladesh will stun you, but this will be our end result: http://safeshare.tv/w/vwncRciSFb
That video probably shocked the daylights out of you, but that’s what all of China, India, Bangladesh, Indochina and many other parts of the world face with their population loads. I’ve witnessed it first hand on my world bicycle travels.  Worse, they come to America for a better life, but they continue propagating beyond reason.
Back to the question: Can we return America back to the way it was before this mass immigration juggernaut?
If we don’t reduce all immigration to less than 100,000 annually, instead of 100,000 monthly—we will never, ever return to what it meant to be an unhyphenated American. We will never enjoy religious civility as the Muslims grow their numbers and aggressively push for Sharia Law within America.  We will never again enjoy a flourishing Middle Class.  We will never again enjoy clean air and plenty of water.
We will not enjoy a single language or culture.  We will never again enjoy unlimited freedom as we compact ourselves into cities and begin to resemble China, India and even Bangladesh before this century expires.
What to do?  How to take action?
1.    Do everything in your power to stop S744 amnesty bill. Call, write, visit your Senators and House reps. Write letters to the editor, call your radio shows and push the issue to stop mass immigration.
2.    Join every organization you see on my website: www.frostywooldridge.com in order to make collective impact to stop passage of S744.
3.    Vote out any senator or congressman that thinks importing the entire third world or the projected 100 million new immigrants to this country within 37 years.
4.    Call or email Charlie Rose CharlieRose@pbs.org and ask him to interview top environmental/population experts as to our future if we allow another 100 million people to be imported via mass immigration.  Write Matt Lauer, Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, 60 Minutes, Dateline, Primetime, and ask them to interview top speakers as to our survival prospects of an America that grew from 316 million to 625 million people within this century.
5.    Join www.CapsWeb.org, www.NumbersUSA.org, www.FairUS.org, www.alipacus.com in order to join over 1.5 million Americans of all persuasions who collectively possess the power to stop mass immigration into America and work toward a viable and sustainable future for our civilization.  It’s free and powerful because you can send in pre-written faxes to your reps to enlighten them as to the consequences of a mass amnesty and jumping legal immigration to two million annually.  You will become part of an armada of parents, grandparents, citizens and more to change course toward a positive future.
6.    Send me your thoughts on more ideas I can share with Americans in order to regain or at least not lose any more of America than we have already.
If you would like to make a difference, please join these organization for the most effective collective action you can take: www.CapsWeb.org ; www.NumbersUSA.org ; www.TheSocialContract.com ; www.Fairus.org

Join me, Frosty Wooldridge, with Dave Chaffin, host of the Morning Zone at 650 AM, www.KGAB.com, Cheyenne, Wyoming every Monday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., as we discuss my latest commentaries on www.NewsWithViews.com about issues facing America. You may stream the show on your computer. You may call in at: 1-888-503-6500.##

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

This is the best website to start:  www.numbersusa.org ; watch Roy Beck’s “Immigration by the Numbers” at 14 minutes. Bi-partisan and very effective. Become a faxer of pre-written letters to your reps to make positive  change.
Visit www.TheSocialContract.com for the best information on what we face as a civilization as to overpopulation, energy, immigration and much more.
Canada www.immigrationwatchcanada.org ; in Australia www.population.org.au andPublicPopForum@yahoogroups.com; in Great Britain www.populationmatters.org ; and dozens of other sites accessed at www.frostywooldridge.com.   In Florida, www.flimen.org .
Must see DVD: "Blind Spot" www.snagfilms.com/films/title/blind_spot/ , This movie illustrates America's future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It's a brilliant educational movie! www.blindspotdoc.com

Must see: Rapid Population Decline, seven minute video by Dr. Jack Alpert-www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTWduFB_RX0
Dave Gardner, President, Citizen-Powered Media ; Producing the Documentary, GROWTH BUSTERS; presents Hooked on Growth: Our Misguided Quest for Prosperity, Join the cause at www.growthbusters.org ; Trailer to his latest movie on overpopulation:  http://youtu.be/KLWxWOcUrVc
Check out this link with Wooldridge on bicycle and Lester Brown and panel discussion:

Tomorrow's Americaproject on www.youtube.com/contemporarylearning.

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